Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Winter Penguins

We began this project as our one winter art project of the year, even though we haven't had snow in Texas for several years. The first step was a discussion about lines in art and how they can be used to show movement. I told the students this was for a cold weather artwork so we would be using the cool colors- blue, green and violet. Students created a variety of swirls to show a cold and windy sky. I showed students how to hold and angle the brush so they could do thick or thin swirls. For the second class, we watched the intro to Happy Feet so students could have a little fun but also examine the shapes and colors of a penguin. I then led a guided drawing of a penguin which was painted over in black. The final class we added a light violet ground, a shining aluminum foil moon and the penguins. We used oil pastels to blend a shadow on the penguin and also under the penguin to add a bit of depth. The result: adorable winter penguins! 

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