Friday, September 7, 2012

A Bright and Shiny New Year!

I can't believe it is already the beginning of a new school year! We are off to a great start at G.B. Dealey Montessori Vanguard and International Academy. I hope eveyone had an amazing summer- I spent over a month abroad in Europe (two weeks in Italy followed by visits to Athens, Paris and Madrid). I have recharged and I am ready to bring many new ideas and projects into the classroom!

I have included some pics of the classroom (it will be nice to remember how clean it started) and a shot of me in the Cinque Terre region in Italy.

All of my classes are already hard at work on our first projects! PreK/K are making art with different shapes, the 1-3 classes are designing jars filled with beautiful symmetrical insects, and the 4-6 classes have begun a watercolor self-portrait. The middle school has begun a week long adventure into the world of drawing, followed up with some Chuck Close inspired portraits. I can't wait to line the halls with these masterpieces!

If you are wondering about donating supplies, the following items are needed for the classroom:
  1. Fine Point Black Sharpies
  2. Large Pink Erasers
  3. Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners
  4. Books about Artists
  5. Patterned Papers (like for Scrapbooking)
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

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