Monday, April 22, 2013
School Arts Magazine ClipCards!
The May/June issue of SchoolArts magazine is out and I have TWO articles featured! The projects featured are a 1-3 giraffe watercolor project and a 4-6 mixed media Georgia O'Keefe project. This is my first time being featured in SchoolArts magazine and I am extremely honored!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Spring Flowers that POP!
4-6 Montessori students created these brightly colored still lifes just in time for spring! We began with a watercolor painting that was decorated over with oil pastel patterns and designs. Students then used brightly colored papers to create cutout flowers and vases. We are ready for blooming flowers and warmer days!
Aboriginal Dreamings
Aboriginal artworks have been created in Australia as a way to both tell stories and to map landmarks. Because of Australia's unique location, the art from this area is very extraordinary and different in its perspective and use of symbols. We began by looking at examples of traditional and modern Aboriginal art and drawing comparisons between the colors, patterns and subject matter. Students created some sketches and chose their best for a large scale painting. For cultural art lessons, Aboriginal art is by far my favorite. I love the colorful designs and dot patterns that cover the composition.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Keith Haring Inspired Dancers
Students in the first through third grade classes created these fun Keith Haring inspired artworks. We began by watching a video that combines a Madonna Get Into the Groove Remix with some really cool Haring style dancing figures. Next, the students used a handout to create their own dancing dogs, cats and mice. They could move them around the page and move the arms and legs into different positions. This is a great lesson on repetition in artwork. The figures were then outlined in black and colored with markers. To fill in the background, students did some crayon texture rubbings and filled in the rest of the space with watercolor paint. I love Keith Haring's artwork and the students really enjoyed the combination of art and music!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Abstract Flower Designs
These vibrant and colorful flower designs were created by our 7th and 8th grade International Academy students. We began by drawing out a grid and using watercolor paints to fill in the squares. Next, students drew out sketches for many different flower designs then filled each square with a different flower. This lesson was designed to allow students freedom to make color and design choices and begin discovering their own aesthetic style!